All our projects have been delivered without lost-time injuries, and within allocated project timeframes and budgets. We have worked with a wide variety of clients, such as Macmahon Holdings, McMahon Services, Intract Australia, Be Building Group, Newmont/Worley, BMA and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.
Scope: Installation of Underground Slickline delivery system.
Project hours: 14098
Indigenous hours: 8554
The construction of the slickline receiving station was situated 1500 meters underground at the 100 level. The scope consisted of constructing a receiving station, stores area, drainage drive and sump station for the delivery of concrete from the surface batch plant.
Scope: 204m boardwalk through tidal mangroves, including a 15m free-spanning bridge over the hill inlet.
Duration: 12 weeks
Indigenous hours: 25%
This was the first project of its kind in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Remote construction with all gear helicoptered in.